Dr. Kayla's Super Homeotherapeutic Remedies

Dr. Kayla's Super Homeotherapeutic Remedies

On the next few pages you will find a number of very effective homeotherapeutic remedies -- DR. KAYLA'S SUPER (DKS) Homeotherapeutic Remedies. These have been formulated so that the multiple components act together synergistically to effect a deep, quick change. After combining these components, the remedy is exposed to special light frequencies to deepen the effect. These remedies can be taken without first being tested by Dr. Kayla Evan at BIOGENESIS. Just follow the Guidelines for Administration.
The remedies are prepared in a 25% purified grain alcohol base and demineralized water to ensure maximum potency. All remedies are in cobalt blue fine mist spray-top bottles. Except for the DKS Pre-Surgical Remedy, all remedies are 2 ounces; the former is 1oz. Taking 3pumps 3x/day, each bottle will last 6-7 weeks. When properly stored and handled, the shelf-life of these remedies is 10 years. BE WELL! DR. KAYLA

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